Thursday, November 14, 2013

There was a collection of assorted talents from far flung places by Bry McVicar

The Human Cat! Shemale.
One day there was a cat, he was like a human. The human cat was part woman and part man. The human cat
was walking in the park and sat down on the bench, the cats name is Shemale. Shemale saw a genie on the
bench, only Shemale could see the genie, but no one else could see the genie.
So Shemale asked the genie “What is it like to be a genie?”, the genie replied and said “IT IS AWESOME, do
you want to be one?” Then Shemale thought about it. He said “YES!” So the genie transformed Shemale into a
genie, now the Shemale cat is a genie. It looks so funny people nearly cried because it was so funny.
It has lots of jewellery; it looks like a proper girl.
It predicts everything; it makes your wishes come true. Shemale can get you anything.
Shemale looks weird……
There was a collection of assorted talents from far flung places by Bry McVicar
Story by Tahlia Jbaili

There was a collection of
assorted talents from far flung places
There was a collection of assorted items on a table, behind the items are hidden talents from a far flung places.
“Well choose one” said the man. “What ever for” said he-she cat, “Because I’m letting you ... you know this is
a very rare opportunity, I don’t go around letting people have my stuff for free you know” said the man “well
okay” said he-she cat. He-she cat chose a crystal ball and with it the he-she cat found a hidden talent .......
fortune telling. The next day he-she cat used the crystal ball on he-she cat’s neighbor who was having a bit of
trouble making the perfect pie, so he she cat helped him out.
Firstly he-she cat asked him what he thought was going wrong. “I don’t know” said the neighbor. He-she cat
looked into the crystal ball and closed her eyes and said “I see … your problem is … you put too much selfraising
flour in it.” “Thank you. I’ll go and make one right now.” Said the neighbor.
The next day he-she cat decided to put his talent to good use by going to the local homeless shelter. He-she
cat tested it on a random person from the homeless shelter. “Now tell me one of your problems” said he-she
cat. “Umm, it’s kind of personal, it’s about my family. I killed them all and I need some money” said the homeless
guy “okay” said he-she-cat then suddenly the homeless guy pulled out a knife and stabbed he-she-cat through
the heart “owwww” said he-she-cat almost dead “I didn’t do it” said the homeless guy “I just saw you” said heshe-
cat “well I didn’t mean to do it sorry should I ring a hospital?” said the homeless guy “Yes! Wait no need, I
have 9 lives any way”. Then they all lived happily ever after.
There was a collection of assorted talents from far flung places by Bry Vicar
Written by Lucy Van’t Sand

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